'Waking Life' once again - part two - this time about lucid dreaming. The listening takes around 5 minutes - quite long, I know. But really worth the effort. As previously, you will get the answers in the next post.
Good luck!
I had a friend once who told me... that the worst mistake that you could make... is to think that you are alive... when really you're asleep in 1)....................... The trick is to combine... your waking rational abilities... with the 2)......................... of your dreams. 'Cause if you can do that, you can do anything. Did you ever have a job that you hated and worked real hard at? A long, hard day of work. Finally you get to go home, get in bed,
close your eyes.
And immediately you wake up and realize...
that the whole day at work had been a dream.
It's bad enough that you sell your waking life for-- for 3).......... ...........
but now they get your dreams for free. Hey, man, what are you doing here? I 4).................... the social lubricator of the dream world, helping people become lucid a little easier. Cut out all that fear and 5)............................. and just rock and roll.
By becoming lucid, you mean just knowing that youre dreaming,
right? Yeah. And then you can control it. They're more realistic and 6)............... than non-lucid dreams. You know, I just woke from a dream. It wasn't like a typical dream. It seemed more like I'd walked into an 7).......................... Yeah, it's real. I mean, technically, it's a phenomenon of sleep, but you can have so much damn fun in your dreams. And, of course, everyone knows fun rules. - Yeah. -So what was going on in your dream? Oh. A lot of people. A lot of talking. Some of it was kind of absurdist, like from a strange movie or some thing. Mostly, it was just people 8)............... about whatever, really
I woke up wondering, where did all this stuff come from?
- You can control that. - Do you have these dreams all the time?
Hell, yeah. I'm always gonna make the best of it.
But the trick is, you got to realize that you're dreaming 9)....... .....................
You got to be able to recognize it. You got to be able to ask yourself, " Hey, man, is this a dream?" Most people never ask themselves that... when they're 10)............ or especially when they're asleep. Seems like everyone's 11)............ through their waking state... or wake walking through their dreams. Either way they're not gonna get much out of it. The thing that snapped me into realizing I was dreaming was, uh--
was my digital clock. I couldn't really read it. It was like the circuitry was all
screwed up or something. Yeah, that's real common. And small printed material is pretty
tough too. Very 12)............... Another good tip-off is trying to adjust light levels. You can't really do that. If you see a 13)................... nearby, turn it on and off and see if it works. That's one of the few things you can't do in a lucid dream. What the hell. I can fly around, have an interesting conversation with Albert Schweitzer. I can explore all these new 14).........................., not to mention I can have any kind of sex I want, which is way cool. So I can't adjust light levels. So what? But that's one of the things you do to test if youre dreaming
or not, right? Yeah, like I said, you can totally train yourself to recognize it. I mean, just hit a light switch every now and then. If the lights are on and you can't turn them off, then most likely you're dreaming. And then you can get down to business. And believe me, it's unlimited. - Hey, you know what I've been working on lately? - What's that? Oh, man, it's way ambitious, but I'm getting better at it. You're gonna 15)................this. Three-sixty vision, man. I can see in all directions. Pretty cool, huh? Yeah. Wow. Well, I got to go, man. Okay, later, man. Super perfundo on the early eve of your day. - What's that mean? - Well, you know, I never figured it out. Maybe you can. This guy always 16).................... into my ear. Louis. He's a recurring dream character.
source: google images, youtube.
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